Nihon Kohden’s mission is to provide better solutions using Nihon Kohden's products and services.

안전한 모니터링
Patient safety is a way to ensure that the people undergoing medical care are safe. There are various initiatives such as safe operation of medical equipment and staff education.
We Nihon Kohden are also focusing on building an environment, using medical devices and systems, where patients can concentrate on treatment with peace of mind, and an environment where staff can respond quickly without missing patient alerts.

보호 제어
One of our responsibilities is to provide a safer working environment for clinical staff, and our ideas worked well under the sudden pandemic situation we all had to experience. Nobody can predict when a pandemic will happen again, but we all know that we should be ready for it.

뉴로 모니터링
Recently, with the rapid progress of information technology, it has become possible to remotely view real-time EEG waveforms. In addition to IT, the development of advance medical equipment has made it possible to measure EEG waveforms more easily than ever before. Neuromonitoring is used in ERs and ICUs to observe various invisible brain conditions. Since we at Nihon Kohden have developed various devices, we can create synergy between each devices.
영문 유지

Contribute to people's health
Nihon Kohden's unique technology helps you to achieve a better clinical outcome.

WHO*1에 따르면 , 많은 사람들이 여전히 결핼, 뎅기열 등의 전염병으로 고통 받고 있습니다. 니혼코덴은 CRP와 ESR을 갖춘 혈액 분석기를 제공하여 보다 편하게 검사가 이루어 질수 있도록 기여합니다. 영문유지
*1 Urgent health challenges for the next decade (who.int) (WHO website)

빈혈은 전 세계쩍으로 감염 및 사망 위험을 증가시키는 심각한 공중 보건 문제 입니다. 이는 극심한 피로 , 나쁜 임신 결과, 부진한 성장을 유발하며, 특히 여성과 유아에게 많은 나쁜 결과를 가져옵니다. HGB , MCV , RET를 갖춘 혈액분석기를 통해 임상적으로 기여합니다
Anemia (who.int) (WHO website)

Contribute to patient outcomes
Transitioning Back to Life
Nihon Kohden products help you to achieve a better patient outcome.

Raise the survival rate
The AHA guidelines1 state that to improve the survival rate, it is necessary to improve the quality of CPR, including making the time of interruption of chest compressions as short as possible. Nihon Kohden contributes to improving the quality of CPR by providing defibrillators and peripheral equipment to support CPR.
1 Guidelines Highlights | American Heart Association CPR & First Aid (American Heart Association website)

Improving Life Saving Rates in PAD2
Sudden cardiac arrest outside the hospital remains a public health problem. Currently, the only way to restore normal heart rhythm in the event of cardiac arrest is to use an AED. Nihon Kohden contributes by providing AEDs to PAD facilities around the world.
2 PAD: Public Access Defibrillation
3 Latest Statistics | Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation (sca-aware.org) (Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation website)