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튜토리얼 동영상

튜토리얼 동영상

These Videos are not meant to be promotional materials. Watching this video does not replace studying the Operator’s Manual or completing the training of the related medical device. Before using the medical device, please make sure that you fully understand its functionality and the risks involved in using it. For further questions, please contact your Nihon Kohden representatives.

Patient Monitoring

Life Scope G9 CSM-1900 series (English)

Life Scope G5/G7 CSM-1500/1700 series (English)

Life Scope G3 GZ-130P/140P

Life Scope TR BSM-6000 series (English)

Life Scope VS BSM-3000 series (English)

Life Scope E5 BSM-2500 series

Life Scope E5 BSM-2500 series esCCO

Life Scope PT BSM-1700 series (English)

Vismo Bedside Monitor PVM-4000 series (English)

Vismo Bedside Monitor PVM-2700 series (English)

Bedside Monitor SVM-7600 series (English)

Vital Signs Monitor SVM-7100/7200 series (English)

Central Nursing Station CNS-6200 series (English)


Cardiolife EMS Defibrillator EMS-1052 (English)

Cardiolife Defibrillator TEC-5600 series (English)

Cardiolife Defibrillator TEC-8300 series

Pulse oximetry and BluPRO

SpO2 Probe Attachment Guide

SpO2 Probe Attachment Guide (for probes for Neonate and Low birth weight infants)


Correct use for ETCO2 measurement―TG-980P

Correct use for ETCO2 measurement―TG-920P

Correct use for ETCO2 measurement―TG-900P (English)