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Hero image general 07 technology

기술 동영상

기술 동영상

Pulse oximetry and BluPRO

Pulse Oximetry: A Nihon Kohden Innovation Story


How to Optimize Respiratory Monitoring

Opening a New Era in Capnography―cap-ONE


How to Solve the Hemodynamic Puzzle with esCCO

Redefine Quality of Care esCCO―Continuous Cardiac Output (Long Version)

Redefine Quality of Care esCCO―Continuous Cardiac Output (Short Version)


How to Identify Invisible Ischemia

Identify Invisible Ischemia―Synthesized 18 lead ECG, a new technology for more informative ECG exam


How to Improve Blood Pressure Measurement with iNIBP

Rapid, Gentle NIBP Measurement iNIBP + YAWARA CUFF2

DynaScatter Laser

Animation of DynaScatter Laser

DynaHelix Flow

Animation of DynaHelix Flow