현재 웹사이트 번역 작업이 진행 중이며, 이로 인해 일부 페이지가 일시적으로 영어로 표시될 수 있습니다. 다국어 환경을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있으니 양해해 주시기 바랍니다. 기다려 주셔서 감사합니다!

환자 모니터링
환자 모니터링
Bedside monitors continuously display vital signs such as ECG (electrocardiogram), body temperature, SpO2 (arterial oxygen saturation), and NIBP (non-invasive blood pressure). These devices are deployed in various medical settings such as operating rooms, intensive care units, and general wards. Nihon Kohden offers a wide range of bedside monitors, from simple monitors for family doctors to in-hospital transport monitors and advanced monitoring systems with centralized monitoring functions.
Central monitors can observe multiple patients' vital signs data at a time, and can review each patient's data for certain days.
침대 옆 모니터
- Life Scope G7 CSM-1700 seriesDesigned to be a new concept platform of bedside monitoring. Nihon Kohden's unique sensing technologies are integrated in the monitor.
- Life Scope G5 CSM-1500 seriesDesigned to be a new concept platform of bedside monitoring. Nihon Kohden's unique sensing technologies are integrated in the monitor.
- Life Scope VS BSM-3000 seriesIntelligible fluid optimization for reducing the risk of complications.
활력징후 원격측정기
침대 옆 모니터 옵션
- Multigas Module GF-310R/320RAccurate gas and flow measurements lead to safer anesthesia management.
엔터프라이즈 게이트웨이
- ENTERPRISE GATEWAY INTERNATIONAL QP-988PSmart, safe, secure. Enables remote monitoring to react to the patient's deterioration rapidly.

악세서리 및 소모품
휴먼 머신 인터페이스는 환자와 최접점에서 접촉하고 연결되는 기기와 사용자 인터페이스로써
환자 신체의 심장기전력과 바이탈 사인의 물리적인 신호를 디지털 신호로 시각화하여 진단, 모니터링을 제공합니다. 니혼코덴은 이와 같은 의료환경에서의 중요한 센서, 전극 등과 같은 악세서리와 소모품을 생산하고 공급합니다.
Safer monitoring

Patient safety is a way to ensure that the people undergoing medical care are safe. There are various initiatives such as safe operation of medical equipment and staff education. We Nihon Kohden are also focusing on building an environment where patients can concentrate on treatment with peace of mind through medical devices and systems, and an environment where staff can respond quickly without missing patient alerts.


Innovative Technologies
Nihon Kohden has developed innovative and unique technologies that contribute to progress in medical care. We boldly take on new challenges, maintaining a keen eye for detail as we keep in mind the spirit of the founder.

Clinical Sites
Nihon Kohden’s mission is to utilize its leading-edge technology and products to support medical treatment in all clinical areas from emergency response to testing, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.