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Neuromaster G1 MEE-2000 hero image
Neuromaster G1 MEE-2000 hero image
Multi-modality Intra Operative Neuro Monitoring

Neuromaster G1

Neuromaster G1 logo


  • Integrated database by NeuroWorkbench for all neurology products.
  • Flexible and multimodality monitoring, including SEP/TcMEP/ABR/Auditory nerve function, Facial nerve mapping and spontaneous EMG.
  • Choice of Touch Panel PC or Laptop PC
  • Selection from 16 channels or 32 channels
  • Up to 4 Breakout boxes with 16 inputs
  • Up to 4 daisy chain Stimulation pods
  • Advanced TcMEP stimulation box
  • In-built High current/High voltage stimulator
  • Useful support functions such as TOF (Train of Four) function, Audible tone indication, etc.
  • Color grading function
Neuromaster G1 MEE-2000 image 01
  • SpO2 and ETCO2 meaurement
  • ESU detection probe to mute the speaker sound to reduce noise

NeuroWorkbench is a registered trademark of Nihon Kohden Corporation.