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ETCO₂ Monitoring

ETCO₂ Monitoring


Dr. Yoshihito Ujike, Professor Emeritus at Okayama University, gives us a presentation on how ETCO2 monitoring is useful in various clinical settings with an actual clinical case example, starting with the basics of breathing.

Here are the topics covered in the presentation.

  1. What is Breathing?
  2. What is Respiratory Failure?
  3. Ventilation
  4. Ventilatory Failure
  5. Indicators of Ventilation
  6. Diagnosis of ventilatory failure using ETCO2 and SpO2
  7. Other benefits of ETCO2 monitoring


How to view the webinar

This webinar is now open for registration.
Please fill out the application form below and submit it to Nihon Kohden.  You will receive a URL and password to view the webinar.

Registration: December 12, 2024 - March 26 2025
Availability Period: December 5, 2024 - March 31, 2025

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